By Joining the AU-EU Network for the collaboration on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA), you agree to abide by the collective rules of engagement of the partnership.

The Platform’s major goal is to develop a need-oriented mechanism for coordination and collaboration in a multi-stakeholder environment. It is intending to reach local farmers, scientists, actors in the education systems as well as high-level policymakers and funders.

The Platform is fully GDPR compliant. User profile data of all users is stored in databases hosted in data centres in Switzerland and France, in GDPR-compliant data centres. Users have the option to self-exit when they find themselves on this platform and they do not wish to stay. By your continuous stay, you are deemed to have voluntarily accepted to be part and LEAP4FNSSA and its project partners cannot be held liable for your stay. LEAP4FNSSA is however very professional and takes periodic steps to ensure only stakeholders of the project are members.